Economic Paper Replication

R + Rstudio + R Markdown

SQL Screenshot


This was a final class project done in my Econometrics of Policy Evaluation [Econ 474] class during my senior year at the University of Illinois. The project was done in a small group where we were tasked with replicating an economic paper in R/RStudio. This was done as both a paper review and a way to showcase what we learned in class.

The research paper we were replicating was “Do Police Reduce Crime? Estimates Using the Allocation of Police Forces after a Terrorist Attack” by Rafael Di Tella and Ernesto Schargrodsky, a paper looking into how effective police are in reducing crime. The paper, and our replication, used a Difference-in-Difference approach, with a great natural dataset to back it up.

Final Report

The paper was completed and written in R Markdown, and in the GitHub repository attached is the complete pdf report and all files used.

Code + Other Data

The complete project and code are uploaded to my GitHub in the link below:
